Reiki healing therapy focuses on stress reduction and relaxation as the healer lays his hands on certain points of the human body. These points are common areas that experience blockages and keep the human life force energy from flowing freely. By unblocking these areas and allowing the energy to flow, Reiki helps the body to experience reduced stress, healthier living and improved mood, and even unblocking intuitive abilities.
INCALL SERVICE (massage entails lite tissue pressure, reflexology, stretching, and range of motion, reiki -healing energy transference)
1hour = $75 cash or cards
90mins = $100 cash or cards
2hours = $130 cash or cards
OUTCALL SERVICE (massage entails deep tissue, reflexology, stretching, and range of motion)
$85 cash or cards
90mins = $100 cash or cards
2hours= $140 cash or cards
Table or Bed? (mention when booking, or contacting with questions)
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Book Here or message us with questions. We receive in seconds, but, may take up to 30-minutes before responding.